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About the potter

Initiation tour du potier

For 20 years I traced my path in the industry.   Then the desire to create caught up with me. In 2021, I met Claude Louis, potter in Marmoutier. He introduced me to the earth and pottery became my passion, I had found my way. I then changed path and set out to discover this profession.


After 10 months of apprenticeship at the International Professional Center for Ceramic Arts Training, accompanied and monitored by an experienced team,  I was able to express and share my values through my creations. A first exhibition was born.

- Bois-de-Haye on 06/2021 : organization and setting up of the exhibition "The table of seasons, materials and meaning".

- Bois-de-Haye on 08/2021: professional certification   (Plastic ceramist). Level 5, bac +2.

- La Petite Pierre on 01/09/2022: creation of my workshop "La Maison Terre".

  This is how I became "the potter of the Little Stone",  it is with you that I will write the rest of this story.

Photo credit: Caroline Bopp


My inspiration

The heritage, fauna and flora of my region: the Northern Vosges.


Tell stories

Each object tells the story of a place, reflects the identity of a territory. My creations will take you on a journey through the seasons and the senses... art objects imbued with poetry...


Let the material speak

Include in my creations the materials that shape our territory: its clays, its sands, its sandstone, its plants and its signs...

My inspiration

- Privilégier les circuits cours pour l'achat des matières première.

- Réduire l'utilisation des plastiques.

- Utiliser au maximum l'eau de pluie dans le processus de fabrication.

- Recycler l'argile et l'eau afin d'optimiser son utilisation.

- Proscrire l'utilisation du cobalt et limiter l'utilisation du carbonate de cuivre.

- Limité l'achat d'émail préparé par l'industrie (manque de traçabilité et impact négatif sur l'environnement voir FDS).



Calculer le bilan carbone de mon activité afin de mesurer et de suivre la quantité de gaz à effet de serre émis par mon entreprise "Les Maisons Terre et Plume".

Sans titre (1).png
Les Maisons Terre & Plume La Petite Pierre

Rachel and Didier Fritz

11 rue du Kirchberg 

67290 The Little Stone

Tel: 0637544514 The Feather House

Tel: 0631422889 The Earth House


Activity "La Maison Plume": Non-professional rental company.

Siren: 881040984 "House Feather"

VAT: "VAT not applicable article 293 B of the general tax code (CGI)"

Activity "La Maison Terre" EI: Manufacture of ceramic articles for domestic or ornamental use.

Siren: 410 785 729

VAT: "VAT not applicable article 293 B of the general tax code (CGI)"

La Maison Plume La Petite Pierre
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Céramique à La Petite Pierre Région Grand Est
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